Na Living Clean Book

Living Clean ‐ The Journey Continues is a new book we are compiling about how we live the program through our challenges and successes. We are all working together to write this book, collecting our experience as a fellowship practicing the principles in our daily lives. To make this book a reality we need you. The following is from The NA World Website: NA Update, April 2011: 'Living Clean: The Journey Continues' Approval draft available: The approval draft of the book 'Living Clean: The Journey Continues' is now available. The book has been in development since the adoption of the project plan at WSC 2008.

Local NA Helplines & Websites

Use this method to locate helplines and websites for local groups near you who can assist you in finding a meeting. This is our best recommendation for finding an NA meeting.

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The NA Meeting Search app version 2.0 is now available for your smartphone or tablet.

There's An App For That!

As meeting information changes frequently, you may wish to verify that the information is accurate through local helplines or webpages.

The information here is the most current we have on file. If the information you find on our website is inaccurate, please notify us, or your area or region so that the information for the meeting or group can be corrected.

On the search result pages, we provide links to maps of local meetings as a service for anyone trying to find their way to our meetings. Such links do not constitute any endorsement, affiliation or approval of the service or company providing the maps, nor any pages linked from those map pages.

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NA World Services does not register online groups, but we list online meetings as a service.

Attention NA Service Committees

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Na Living Clean Book Online

Please provide us with any changes to your local NA helpline, website and/or meetings schedule. Instructions for submitting data updates are located here: Update NAWS database meeting information