How To Get Licence For Sandalwood Plantation


Tropical Forestry Services (TFS) already grows Indian sandalwood in the Top End using water from the Oolloo aquifer, but has applied for another licence to extract 21.6 gigalitres per year, for a. You have not mentioned which State you live in. I live in Karnataka and here the law is that if a person has sandalwood on his property. He can cut the trees and deposit it with the Forest Dept. And they will auction it and give the person around. And White sandal wood plant is very costly so choose only white sandal wood plant, don;t choose wrong plant. I am already done plantation of 50 Nos. In area 1500 Sq. Area How to do Plantation In 8ft x 8 ft you will do plantation. In 1 Acre you will do 500 Nos plants. After 8 to 10 years you will get return of this plant.

Dec 31, 2018 Take sandalwood from private land. Authorises preliminary processing in the field (ie debarking) as well as the supply (sale) of sandalwood: Flora supplying (sandalwood) licence: Supply (and possess for the purpose of supply) sandalwood taken lawfully from private property or Crown land – including cultivated/plantation sandalwood: Flora. If you are Interested for sandalwood cultivation in your land, Tirupati nursery has a grand sandalwood nursery, visit here to know the overall process of its cultivation. Our experts will guide you about the formalities of loan for sandalwood plantation and also guide for how to get licence for sandalwood plantation.

  • 2 Sandalwood Tree Cultivation Details Required
    • 2.3 Common Pests and Diseases in Sandalwood Tree Cultivation
  • 3 Sandalwood Tree Name And Productions Places
  • 4 Snadalwood Tree Varieties And Cost
  • 5 Health Benefits of Sandalwood
    • 5.1 Benefits Of Sandalwood Oil
  • 8 Sandalwood Plantation Cost And Profit

Sandalwood [Chandan] Tree Cultivation Process and Profit Guide

Here I share some information, Such as

  • sandalwood plantation profit
  • sandalwood plantation project report
  • best host plant for sandalwood
  • sandalwood plantation process
  • loan for sandalwood plantation
  • sandalwood tree and snake
  • sandalwood plantation subsidy in karnataka
  • financial benefits of red sandalwood plantation

Sandalwood trees are popular for its beautiful fragrance and its wood materials are used from centuries. In India, sandalwood tree also popular as a Chandan or Srigandha and it is the most expensive tree plant.

It is an evergreen tree and it is mostly used in cosmetic, therapeutic, commercial and medicinal. The maximum height of sandalwood tree is 13 to 16 meter and 100 cm to 200 cm girth. Sandalwood tree found in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, Indonesia, Hawaii, and Pacific Islands.

  • sandalwood tree family: Santalaceae
  • sandalwood tree scientific name: Santalum album

In Indian tradition, Sandalwood trees are a special place and it used from cradle to cremation. It is also used in Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical, aromatherapy, soap industry, and perfumery so, the commercial value of sandalwood tree or oil is very high in the Indian market.


Sandalwood has many varieties and these different varieties are available in the worldwide. Basically, there are two famous varieties of sandalwood which have a very high commercial value in the market. Sandalwood leaves are also used for animal fodder.

Read some Helpful Articles Also :

  1. Indian sandalwood
  2. Australian sandalwood

The Sandalwood trees are ready for harvesting after 30 years of cultivation. If you are using organic cultivation method then you can get the sandalwood tree in 10 to 15 years. In India, there are two sandalwood colors are available white, yellow, and red.

The best part of this sandalwood farming is that you can also grow sandalwood tree as an intercrop in Malabar Neem plantation.

Sandalwood Tree Cultivation Details Required

How To Get Licence For Sandalwood Plantation Florida

If you are farmer or investor and planning for sandalwood tree cultivation then you can require proper climate, soil, land, plant selection, fertilizers, and irrigation. Before start cultivation, you must make proper project planning, calculate the expenses and profit, and note how much investment required for this cultivation.

Which type of climate required for sandalwood?

Sandalwood tree can almost grow in every type soil, climate and temperature. Sandalwood tree crop requires hot atmosphere and it grows better in humid climatic conditions.

Sandalwood tree cultivation also needs the temperature in between 12° and 35°C. It is the perfect temperature for good growth of sandalwood tree. At 600 and 1050 meters altitudes, this sandalwood tree plant grows well.

How To Get Licence For Sandalwood Plantation Fl

Soil Requirement of Sandalwood Tree Cultivation

If you are planning for the sandalwood tree cultivation then you may require well-drained soils which have a good organic object. The red sandy loam soils are also suitable for the sandalwood tree and you get the high yield crop.

A Soil test is must require for checking the nutrient requirements for the sandalwood plantation are present or not in the soil. Sandalwood tree cultivation requires pH of the soil in between 6.5 to 7.5 with a little bit of alkaline.

Before starting plantation of sandalwood tree plow the field until you get excellent tilth and weed free soil. Also, prepare the soil in such a way that the water in heavy rain or floods is easily come out from the drain.

Sandalwood cultivation process can be done by seeds and vegetatively through tissue culture.

Common Pests and Diseases in Sandalwood Tree Cultivation

Insect Pests Of Sandalwood

  • Defoliators
  • Calodia kirkaldyiNielson
  • Cardiococcus bivalvata(Green)
  • Eumeta crameri(Westwood)
  • Hotea nigrorufaWalker
  • Hyposidra talacaWalker
  • Nyctemera lacticinia(Cramer)
  • Purpuricenus sanguinolentus(Olivier)
  • Tajuria cippus(Fabricius)
  • Teratodes monticollis(Gray)
  • Toxoptera aurantii(Boyer de Fonscolombe)
  • Trabala vishnou (Lefèbvre)

Diseases of sandalwood

  • Pulvinaria psidii Mask
  • Coccid
  • Black Spot fungal
  • Phytoplasma
  • Phellinus noxius

How To Plant Sandalwood Tree?

In sandalwood tree cultivation sowing mainly done by the seeds. When sandalwood tree plants are 15 to 20 years old then in August to march you can collect the seeds from the sandalwood.

The collected seeds are well-treated and dried in sunlight before seminate on nursery beds. There are two types of seed beds are available in the nursery for the sowing sandalwood seeds.

  • sunken
  • raised beds

After in 7 to 8 months, a seedling grows up to 30 to 35 cm on nursery beds and they are ready for the transfer in the main field.

When you prepare soil or land for cultivation then at the same time also digging 45 x 45 x 45 cm size of a pit for planting the sandalwood seedlings.

Before planting the seedlings make sure any water will not stable in pits. If some water in pits then relinquishes the pits below the sunlight for some days. You must keep the 10 feet plant to plant distance. After four years of planting, you will get the flower on sandalwood tree.

Where Did You Get Baby Plant?

If you do not want’s to grow this commercial crop from seeds, then purchased them from the market and plant them with a suitable method of sandalwood plantation. But, take care them while buying from the market.

In the market, there are many private and govt. nurseries are present, from where you can buy the baby sandalwood plants and can grow them in your field. But, purchasing them from a genuine source is a smart thing.

You can also buy the sandalwood baby plant through online.

How Much a Sandalwood Baby Plant Cost?

For growing sandalwood plants via planting sandalwood baby plants, they should be purchased from a genuine and certified source.

Generally, sandalwood plants are the most valuable plant in India but for commercial plantation, you have to plant more numbers of plants on your farm. Usually, a single baby plant cost up to Rs. 500 to Rs. 1000 per plant but for commercial plantation, you have to plant more numbers of plants on your farm, you can get a baby plant @ Rs. 100 from a genuine source.

Irrigation For Sandalwood Tree Cultivation

If you have limited water then you can use the drip irrigation method for sandalwood tree cultivation. In sandalwood cultivation crop require less water so, you can apply the drip irrigation in the interval of 2 to 3 weeks. Sandalwood tree young plants require irrigation only in hot and summer seasons they do not require irrigation in the rainy condition.

Fertilizers For Sandalwood Tree Cultivation

In sandalwood farming, you may choose to use the Bio-fertilizers, organic and chemical fertilizers for getting the high yield of a crop. You can also use any rotten farmyard manure (FYM).

  • Cow dung
  • Garden compost
  • Vermin-compost
  • Manure made from green leaves

The bio-pesticides made from the following materials and it’s used for the controlling any pests and diseases of sandalwood cultivation.

  • Chitrakmool
  • Neem (kernel, seeds & leaves)
  • Dhatura
  • Cow’s urine

Harvesting Time Of Sandalwood Tree

Sandalwood tree grows well and matures after 30 years from planting so, it will be ready for harvesting. In latest technology there are many tree cutting instruments are available in the market so you can use any instrument for harvest sandalwood tree. The heartwood of sandalwood trees are transferred into the mill and soft woods are removed.

By using some machine this hard sandalwood is transferring into powder. This sandalwood powder soaks in water for 2 days after it’s used for making oil and other cosmetic products.

Sandalwood Tree Name And Productions Places

Sandalwood Tree Common Name In India

  • Safed Chandan
  • Chandan
  • Sandal and Sandalwood
  • Santalum album
  • ShiriGandha
  • Aninditha
  • Arishta Phalam
  • Bhadhrashraya
  • Sarpavasa
  • Chandrakanta
  • Gandhasara
  • Thailaparna
  • Malayaja

Sandalwood Tree Local Names In India

  • Chandan (Hindi)
  • Gandhapu Chekka (Telugu)
  • Cantana (Tamil)
  • Raktacandanaṁ (Malayalam)
  • Śrigandhada (Kannada)
  • Candana (Marathi)
  • Candana (Gujarati)
  • Canana (Punjabi)
  • Candana (Bengali)

Where sandalwood tree found in India?

  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Telangana
  • Bihar
  • Gujarat
  • Karnataka
  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Maharashtra
  • Tamil Nadu

Snadalwood Tree Varieties And Cost

How To Get Sandalwood Licence

Various Sandalwood varieties in World

  • Indian sandalwood (Santalum album)
  • Australian Sandalwood(Santalum spicatum)
  • Red sandalwood(Pterocarpus santalinus)
  • Santalum ellipticum
  • Santalum austrocaledonicum
  • Santalum freycinetianum
  • Santalum acuminatum
  • Santalum lanceolatum
  • Santalum haleakalae
  • Osyris lanceolata
  • Myoporum sandwicense
  • Adenanthera pavonina
  • Eremophila mitchellii
  • Myoporum platycarpum
  • Baphia nitida
  • Santalum obtusifolium

What is the cost of sandalwood?

The market price of sandalwood is in between Rs 3,000 to 6,000 per kg and sometimes it will be Rs 10,000 per kg.

Health Benefits of Sandalwood

  • Sandalwood tree paste and its essential oil work as very effective anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Mostly, sandalwood trees are used for making perfumery products and deodorants.
  • Sandalwood tree oil is used for reducing stress and hypertension.
  • Sandalwood is mainly used in religious rituals in India.

Benefits Of Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood Oil Skin Benefits

  • Get Bright, Clean And Flawless Skin.
  • Cures Skin Infections And Itching.
  • Prevents Skin Aging.

Sandalwood Oil Health Benefits

  • Get Rid Of Inflammation.
  • Prevents Spasms.
  • Used As An Antiseptic Agent.
  • Boosts Renal Health.
  • Keeps Blood Pressure Under Control.
  • Say ‘No’ To Body Odor.
  • Great Health Tonic For Kids.
  • Drives Away Stress And Anxiety.
  • Fights Viral Infections.
  • Helps Boost Memory.

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Sandalwood Oil Miscellaneous Benefits

  • Keeps Bugs And Germs At Bay

Sandalwood Yield Per Tree

If you are planning for the sandalwood tree cultivation then you will have a patience for wait its yield and profit because sandalwood tree takes a long time for growing to compare to any other trees.

If you provide proper climate conditions, soil and irrigation to sandalwood tree so, per year it can grow 5 cm girth. Almost, You can get the 10 to 25 kg sandalwood tree wood depends on the tree growth.

Sandalwood tree growths are depending on the many factors.

  • Selection of land
  • Selecting the sandalwood spices
  • Host plant management
  • Irrigation management
  • Pest and disease control management
Age of Sandalwood Tree (in years).Girth (in cm).Hear wood yield (in kg).

Subsidy For Sandalwood Cultivation

There are many banks are available in India which provides the facilities of subsidy and loan to farmers for sandalwood tree cultivation. You can directly contact these banks for more current subsidy or loan information.

  • NMPB (National medicinal plants board)

Sandalwood Plantation Cost And Profit

How To Get Licence For Sandalwood Plantation In Louisiana

The profit and cost of sandalwood tree cultivation are depended on the market conditions and it will change year to year and region to region. Generally, in a one-acre land, you can grow the 400 to 440 sandalwood tree plants.

Sandalwood tree cultivation costs depend on the many factors. In India sandalwood plantation cost per acre is 6,00,000 INR.

  • Plant cost
  • Labor cost of planting
  • Drip cost
  • Soil working
  • Weed control
  • Pests/disease cost

How To Get Licence For Sandalwood Plantation

The Cost of sandalwood tree heart wood is 6,000 Rs/kg. From one acre land normally, you will expect 5000 kg yield of sandalwood crop.

After, 15 to 20 years total expected price is 5000 x 6,000 = 3, 00, 00,000 (3 crore).

Total cost/expenditure + other costs = 6,00,000 INR

6,00,000 + land cost per acre 20,00,000 INR = 26,00,000

Profit: 3,00,00,000 – 26,00,000 = 2,74,00,000/acre.

In the local market, these sandalwood trees are very demanded. So, you can get the good returns from this Sandalwood tree cultivation. This all information that is required for any farmer or investor to grow the sandalwood tree.

I hope I have covered the all informative details for the sandalwood tree farming. If you like this information then please gives your review in the comment box.

How To Get Licence For Sandalwood Plantation

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How To Get Licence For Sandalwood Plantation In India

Sandalwood …Santalum album – Shiri Gandha – Chandana – Aninditha - Arishta Phalam - Bhadhrashraya – Sarpavasa – Chandrakanta – Gandhasara – Thailaparna - Malayaja
Seedlings will mature and become ready for harvest in 15-20 years
Planting your own Sandalwood Tree
The sandalwood is a root parasite so you have to provide other plants for it to grow along with, especially by the time it is 8' high, Alternatively, when you plant the sandalwood seed, also throw in some toor dal or butterfly seeds.
Plant the sandalwood seed ¾' to 1' below the soil and water it lightly everyday. If you don't have access to a strip of soil, you can plant the seed in a soil bed or a pot, or recycle a milk-bag by punching holes in it, adding soil and turning it into a tiny planter. You can move it to a larger bag or a larger pot as required, and gift the sapling to someone else if you run out of space.
Mix red earth, farmyard manure (cattle manure) and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1 i.e 2 parts of red earth, 1 part of manure and 1 part of sand. Silt also provides very good nourishment to plants. The seeds will start sprouting only in 4 to 8 weeks so don't stop watering if you don't see results - and don't over water, because that certainly won't hasten the process! The soil should always be moist, never water logged, so after it has sprouted, water it only on alternate days.
Eventually, if you have no place to transfer the plant to, you can keep the sandalwood tree in a large container (cement chilla /pot/etc) in your balcony or terrace, strip compound.
When your saplings are about one month old, transplanting them to a larger area will give them a much higher chance to survive and thrive.
Clear an area for planting and dig a pit about 30cm3 in size. Plant the sandalwood seedlings along with the host seedlings - keep a distance of 2.5 to 4m between two sandalwood plants. Usually, sandalwood is transplanted in the months between May and October.
To prevent contamination of local varieties, plant these seeds only in urban areas, not in protected forest areas.

Just like human babies, your sandalwood saplings will need most care in the first year, and will be increasingly independent in following years. You will need to weed around the plants and work the soil for the first year, and, if necessary, in the second year too. In case the host plants outgrow the sandalwood seedlings, tip them a little to provide enough light to the seedlings. If any climbers surround your seedling, cut and remove them.
Ideal Soil
Sandal trees grow mainly on red ferregenuous loam, overlying metamorphic rocks, chiefly gneiss. They can tolerate shallow, rocky ground and stony or gravelly soils, voiding saline or calcareous soils, and are not exacting about the depth of the soil.
Rich and moist soils such as well-drained alluvial soils, do not support sandalwood well; the heartwood in such trees will be deficient in oil. Trees grown on poor soils yield better oil, though they cannot withstand water-logging.
The roots of sandalwood saplings attach themselves to the root of the host plant with the help of haustoria. There are also instances of sandal thriving off other sandal trees too.
Sandalwood grows well with hosts such as Acacia, Albizzia, Bombusa, Cassia, Erythrina, Erythroxylon, Gossypium, Pongamia, Semecarpus, Strychnos, Tectona, Thespesia, Vitex and Zocypus in natural forest Spike disease has been reported to be transmitted form hosts, such as Lantana, Acanthaclous Ocimum Dedroclamus, Dodonea, Vinca and Eucalyptus.
The tree flourishes best between altitudes of 600 and 1050 m, though it may go up to 1350 m and descend as low as 360m. The important sandal tracts lie in places where rainfall varies from 60-160cm.
In general, the sandal tree flourishes in regions where the climate is cool with moderate rainfall, plentiful sunshine and long periods of dry weather. The ideal temperature for its growth is between 12° and 30°C.
The crop can be raised through seeds by raising nursery in sunken and raised beds are used to raise seedlings. Both of them perform equally well under different climatic conditions.
Seed beds are prepared with sand and red earth in the ratio 3:1.
Around 2.5 Kg. seed is spread uniformly over the bed, covered with straw, which should be removed when the leaves start appearing on the seedlings.
When seedling have reached 4 to 6 leaf stage they are transplanted to poly bags along with a seed of “Red gram” (Cajanus cajan), the primary host for better growth of sandal. Seedlings are carefully removed from beds with all roots immediately after transplantation.
Watering is to be done once a day, but excess moisture is to be avoided.
Host plants are pruned frequently, so that they do not over grow sandal and hamper its growth.
Polybags should contain soil mixture of ratio 2:1:1 (Sand: Red earth: Farmyard manure). It as been found that poly bags of 30 X 14 cm size are the best.
Plantable seedlings of about 30cm height can be raised in 6-8 months’ time. A well-branched seedling with a brown stem is ideal for planting in the field.
Planting 6-8 months ready plants directly will reduce the total crop duration, minimizes the risk of raising nursery and assured quality planting material are added advantages.
Digging pit size of 2’X2’X2’ filled with 1:2 ratio of red earth and farmyard manure watering for settling down the mixture.
Placing the healthy seedling of sandal in the center by digging the small pit ensured that all the root systems are placed properly in the pit so that the tender roots will establish quickly.
Planting the host plant in the pit 6” apart from the sandal plant.
Pits should be dugged with a spacing of 12’X12’ = 303 plants per one Acre.
This is optimum for better plant population and yield. Plant population of at least 300 plants per Acre to be maintained.
8.0 tones of farmyard manure will be sufficient per one acre of sandal crop per year, chemical fertilizers required initially depending on soil fertility status.
Regular weeding and inter cultivation to be done to prevent soil moisture and nutrient loss. Inter crops are preferred for additional income and best land utilization and soil management.
It is also advisable to go for a inter crop which ensures inter cultivation and additional income to the farmer. Intercrops like Coleus forskolii, Banaba leaves and other short duration crops preferred. Short duration crops have shallow root system, that will not going to compete for water and nutrients with main crop.
Sandal is a rain fed crop. Young plants require watering in summer months at 15-20 days interval till they are fully established.
Plants should be protected from physical damage, controlling white ants which is major problem in red soils, spray of 2% chloropyriphos on white ant attacked portion of shoot and near around the tree trunk will check the white ant effect.
Sandal tree yields two kinds of wood sapwood and heart wood and yield from inter crops.
Red Sandal exports has been Ban from Indian Government.
Forest Department is not providing permission for Red Sandal Tree cutting.
As there is no clarity we suggest to plant White Sandal instead of Red Sandal.
Export & Import relations between India-Pakistan-China are not so great & we cannot expect the healthy relation in coming years.China is the apex buyer for Red Sandal.
1) What kind of land is required for red sandal plantation?
Rich red soil is required.
2) In one acre of land totally how many plants can be grown?
It depends up on the spacing. Up to 400 plants can be grown. But sandal needs a host plant in between, and so spacing will alter.
3) What is the distance required between plants? Please provide dimensions from plant to plant.
There should be a distance of 12 X 12 between plants.
4) How frequent and what quantity of water is required for each plant?
Water 10 liter/plant/two days has to be provided.
5) What is the best process for providing water?
Drip irrigation is the best process.
Red Sandal export has been banned by the Indian Government - No, we have to give to MSIL, and they provide buy back agreement.
'Forest Department is not providing permission for Red Sandal Tree cutting' - It is incorrect statement.
For sales of sandalwood - Sandal wood can’t be sold to anyone, expect the license holder and can be given to MSIL for which they provide us the buyback agreement.
In February I planted around 12 acres of red sandal. And in few weeks, I am planning to plant another 5 acres. Based on my experience(good and bad) here are the answers.
1) Other than black soil and salty soil, any soil is good for Red Sandal wood plantation.
2) The optimum spacing is 10'X10' for the middle rows. I have left around 13' in the borders so that the Tractor can move in properly. With this spacing you can plant around 400 plants per acre.
3)I have answered in the 2). I repeat you can plant around 400 plants per acre depending on its shape.
4)Red sandal is very rigid. It can sustain the dry circumstances. It can sustain in hot summer, if you give 5-6 litres water every 2 weeks. In my case, we had sufficient water. So we have given around 16 litres of water every third day.
5. The best way to provide water is through drip irrigation. It is labor intesive, if you plant to give water with canals.
Other points to remember:
1. Please don't spend too much money on making pits. Plough the soil properly and use shovels to plant the trees.
2. Don't spend money on manor. It is lot of expense and attract all kinds of weed and disease. For the beginning, don't use manor. (I know many people will dispute this point)
3. Don't spend money on urea/dap etc..... But while planting use some forate granules to avoid the white ants and other insects.
4. The red sandal is NOT root parasite. So host plants are NOT required.
Please don't spend too much money in the begining. Weed is the main problem and you have to fight with weeding for the first 2-3 years.
How to Grow a Sandalwood Tree
Select a planting site with a blend of loam and sand that drains well. Dig a hole about a foot deep, and fill it with water. If the liquid disappears underground within 24 hours, the area offers adequate drainage. Raise the sandalwood trees in a weed-free environment their first two years to allow them to fully develop without having to compete for nutrients.
Cultivation methods
In 6 - 10 Months seedlings become ready for transplantation. One year Old seedling ready for planting are available in our concern. As estimated 500, trees can be planted in a hectare and after 25 years minimum 500kg of heartwoood/tree can be obtained. thus one can expect 25000kg of wood from one hectare plantation. At an average market rate of Rs.75/kg an income of Rs 177.5 lakhs is expected. The seeds are available with Maria Redsandal Plantation Pudukkottai. Since it is wild plant and the tree takes at least 30-40 years to come to the stage of cutting.
Don't confuse red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) with white sandalwood (Santalum album)