You’ll also find unauthorised sellers on Ebay offering ‘The Star Wars Trilogy – Despecialized Editions‘ on blu-ray in packages of varying physical quality, but most of these are just the source files burnt straight onto retail blu-ray discs. (Return Of The Jedi (1983) – Despecialized Edition v2.5). I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF THESE MOVIES OR OF THE DESPECIALIZED EDITIONS!!!!! VI: Return Of The Jedi (Film) Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Film). Video Sources:Harmy's Despecialized Edition 2.5Luke Skywalker deleted scene: Revenge of the Sith's opening.

Feb 7th, 2016


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- _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- |This is a fan preservation made for culturally historical and educational purposes. |
- |Fanedits and preservations must not be bought or sold. |
- |Please report every fanedit or preservation you find for sale to webmasters of |
- |Fanedits and preservations are an artform and to be shared among legal owners of the officially available releases only. |
- |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|
- This is a reconstruction of the 1983 theatrical version of Return of the Jedi. The original shots were painstakingly restored using
- various sources (listed below) and the film received an extensive shot by shot colour correction based on a fade free 1983
- LPP Print. ROTJ v2.5 is pretty much completely despecialized, apart from a couple of wipes, which were recomposited optically in 1997
- and look nearly identical to the originals, so for all intents and purposes this is the original version.
- The remastered version (v2.5) represents a significant improvement in picture quality over the earlier 1.0 version
- due to the use of better encoding and higher quality sources and replacing many of the despecialized shots with
- Version v2.0 only came out as a limited release workprint.
- A gallery showing all the changes can be found here:
- The AVCHD version contains the latest versions of the preservations of the original audio mix, three different
- More information can be found here:
- twitter @HarmyP and @despecialized
- 1) Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi Official Blu-Ray (2011)
- 2) LPP 35mm print scans (Team Negative 1 and Poita)
- 3) Schorman's HDTV Preservation - Return of the Jedi (2004 DVD version)
- 4) RETURN OF THE JEDI 2006 Bonus DVD (sourced from the 1993 Definitive Edition Laser Disc Master - upscaled by Dark Jedi)
- 5) RETURN OF THE PUG (1983 16mm print transfer)
- 6) Custom mattes
- Technical Specifications:
- AUDIO: (all Dolby Digital) Special thanks to hairy_hen, Schorman and CatBus
- TRACK 1) 5.1 1983 mix @ 640Kbps
- TRACK 2) 2.0 1983 mix @ 224Kbps
- TRACK 3) 2.0 Isolated score @ 224Kbps
- TRACK 4) 2.0 1993 LD Audio Commentary @ 192Kbps (silence filled with 1993 LD 2.0)
- TRACK 5) 2.0 2004 DVD Audio Commentary @ 96Kbps
- TRACK 6) 2.0 2011 BD Archival Interviews Audio Commentary @ 96Kbps
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The ISO image can be burned to a DVD-DL and should work in most Blu-Ray players.
- To burn, you can use imgburn following these instructions:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To verify that your file has downloaded correctly, you can use the included MD5 and SHA Checksum Utility.
- Just click 'Browse' in the utility and load the ISO file and when your checksums are generated, you can use these
- checksums to verify the integrity of your download:
- SHA1: 2A53F7FFB561928DAF0D10A6BBE5E9DCD5900E95
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