Opens a zip archive at the specified path and in the specified mode. Open(String, ZipArchiveMode, Encoding) Opens a zip archive at the specified path, in the specified mode, and by using the specified character encoding for entry names. OpenRead(String) Opens a zip archive for reading at the specified path.
- Linking MS Excel to MS Visual Basic 6.0 8; Sending SMS using C# 2; opening excel file in visual basic 6 2; how to get the event when system shuts down in Visual Basic 6.0 1; Java and Oracle 5; inbox in visual basic 6.0 12; visual basic 6 compiler free 1; Java Multidimensional Arrays 4; Visual Basic 6.0 Enhanced Edition and Windows Vista 6.
- If you're using Visual Studio 2012 and the.NET Framework 4.5 you can use the new compression library: //This stores the path where the file should be unzipped to, //including any subfolders that the file was originally in. String fileUnzipFullPath; //This is the full name of the destination file including //the path string fileUnzipFullName; //Opens the zip file up to be read using.
Finding, Downloading, and Installing MSDN Library for VB6 on Modern Windows (Kim Gentes/Worship Tech Blog)
If you have had to regress to installing Visual Basic 6 studio on your modern Windows OS (Windows 7, 8 or such) to support or maintain some older software, you will quickly remember the ease of the integrated MSDN library that came as part of the embedded help you could install with VB6. Today, if you do not have the original discs that the MSDN library came on, it can be next to impossible to figure out where to get the right version MSDN help that works with VB6, and once you have it, how to install it best for your VB6 use.
This is just a quick guide to help you locate where to download it, get it installed and up and running with your VB6 studio. The guide has 4 main sections:
- Downloading the MSDN Library
- Extracting the MSDN Library
- Installing the MSDN Library
- Test the MSDN Library with VB6
Download the MSDN Library for Visual Basic 6
If you already have the downloaded MSDN library from Oct 2001, skip ahead to the appropriate section and follow the extraction/installation instructions as appropriate. If you don't have anything, read this guide through completely and you will be able to download, extract and install the MSDN library for VB 6.
To legally download the MSDN Library for VB 6, you must be a paid Visual Studio Subscriber. You cannot get access to the oldest archived MSDN Libraries (this one is from 2001) without a paid level Visual Studio subscription (formerly called MSDN subscription).
Let me pause for a moment-- YES, you can download the MSDN Library 2001 edition from other non-legit sources around the internet. But I do not, and will not, recommend that. Three reasons: 1) It's illegal. 2) Those sites often are simply hackers using the bait of 'free downloads' to get a virus installed on your computer. and 3) I have looked at a number of those sites claiming to archive this specific download and all of them exclude some part of the MSDN Oct 2001 Library from their download chunks- that is, it is missing some part that makes it incomplete. You can hassle and try to figure out if you have all the parts, if they are legit, if they are filled with viruses and if they will work. Or, you can simply use a legit Visual Studio subscription.
I have tried using the free Visual Studio account that anyone can get (Visual Studio Dev Essentials), but it doesn't allow access to the MSDN October 2001 Library (or any of the older MSDN Library downloads from what I can see). I was able to access it via Professional, Test and Enterprise level subscriptions.
Once you have your Visual Studio subscription login, then you can go to the download location quickly:
STEP 1: When you click on this link, MS will force you to login to your Visual Studio account. You must use your Visual Studio Subscriber Login to access this link:
STEP 2: You should see the '2001-10 MSDN Library October' shown in the download results. You will note the bold, blue box that says 'Download'. Click that box to reveal your download options.
STEP 3:To get the full MSDN library to work with your VB6 Studio, download the 'MSDN Library October 2001 - Full Setup (English)' (this file will be called 'en_msdn_library_october2001_dvd.exe'). Alternatively, you can download 3 separate ISO files for CD-ROMs. NOTE: the total download is about 1.2Gb so it will take 20 minutes or so on a 1Mb/sec connection
Extract the MSDN Library Installation
STEP 1: Go the location where the download is located.
STEP 2: Double click the file 'en_msdn_library_october2001_dvd.exe' and run it. It will open a WinZip extractor application.
STEP 3: Click 'Unzip' and the MSDN Library install files will be extracted to the directory you selected.
STEP 4: Once completed, click 'OK' on the WinZip completed dialog (should show something like 18981 files extracted). Then close 'Close' on the WinZip Self-extractor app.
STEP 5: In the directory in which the files were extracted you should now see a complete Setup.exe and associated files and directories.
Install the MSDN Library
STEP 1: Double click the 'setup.exe' file and it will begin the install of the MSDN Library
STEP 2: Welcome Screen - click continue.
STEP 3: Name & Org - Enter what you'd like, click OK
STEP 4: Confirm Name & Org - Click OK
STEP 5: Product ID Screen - Click OK
STEP 6: License Agreement - Click 'I Agree'
STEP 7: Choose Install - In most cases, you can choose Typical, however, if you are just installing MSDN Library for VB6 usage, choose Custom
STEP 8: Options List - Choose the first 3 options in the custom install, and scroll down to select any other portions you wish to install of the library. Click 'Continue'

STEP 9: Desktop Shortcut - click Yes or No, whatever you would like.
STEP 10: Let the MSDN Library install run. It may take several moments.
STEP 11: Install Complete - Click OK
Test the MSDN Library with VB6
Now, when you run VB6, you can use F1 on any location in your code and VB context help will expand and link instantly as appropriate.
How to install Visual Basic 6 on Windows 10
There are quite a lot of pages out there which gives parts of the story. None of them has the lot. I link to the important ones at the bottom.
1. Turn off UAC and grant full access to the Admin user
- Turn off UAC.
- How to install Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows 10 To avoid the install freezing in the 'Setup is updating your system' step, you must also grant full access to the Admin user (used to install the VB6) on the registry key: HKCRRDSServer.DataFactoryClsid
Msdn Library Vb6 Zip Link
Donovan Brown reckons you should also disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration. I didn't do this; but then my install didn't complete either.
2. Copy MSJAVA.DLL to Windows
A computer should always maintain the latest version of Java and is pointless to have the discontinued Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java on the computer just to install Visual Basic 6. The problem is, the VB6 setup does not allow you to continue with the installation if you untick the 'Update Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java' checkbox as it grays out the Next button.
The solution is to trick the VB6 setup into thinking that the Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java already exists on the system so the installer automatically skips this step. Basically the VB6 setup checks if the file MSJAVA.DLL exists in the System32 folder for 32-bit operating systems or in SysWOW64 for 64-bit operating systems. It is possible to create a zero byte MSJAVA.DLL fake file and place it in either System32 or SysWOW64 depending on the Windows architecture but this doesn't work in Windows 10.
Win10 only:
(Screen grabs here)
Assuming you have the 7-Zip archiver tool:
Go to the IE4 folder located in the VB6 installation files, right click at MSJAVX86.exe, go to 7-Zip and select 'Open archive'.
In 7-Zip, double click on which will open another list of files. Look for msjava.dll in the list, extract and copy it to C:WindowsSystem32 if you're on a 32-bit of Windows or C:WindowsSysWOW64 if you're on a 64-bit Windows. If you are unable to follow the steps above, or don't want to install additional programs such as 7-Zip, you can download the MSJAVA.DLL file from the link below and copy it to the directory mentioned above.
Here's my copy of the file.
3. Get the software
Download Visual Basic Service Pack 6 from here. This is actually the patches for VS 6 Enterprise Edition. Run the downloaded EXE to create a temporary directory with the installer in it.
Then get your copy of Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise edition. Choices:
I have Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise edition, which came from my MSDN subscription a very long time ago. So I used that.
- Copy the VS CDs to your hard disk, if you want this to install quickly. You want to end up with this:
Or you might have an MSDN subscription, in which case you can do this.
- Download Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise ISO from your MSDN subscription
- Right-click the ISO
- Select Mount
4. Change the SETUP.EXE properties so it runs in XP SP3 compatibility mode
- Right-click setup.exe from the mounted drive
- Select Properties
- Click the Compatibility tab
- Check the Run this program in compatibility mode for: checkbox
- Select Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
- Click Apply
- Click OK
5. Run SETUP.EXE - but as administrator
- Right-click on setup.exe
- Select Run as administrator (you may have to confirm this a number of times).
- Click Next
- Click 'I accept agreement', then Next.
- Enter name and company information, click Next.
- Select Custom Setup, click Next.
- Click Continue, then Ok.
- Setup will 'think to itself' for about 2 minutes. Processing can be verified by starting Task Manager, and checking the CPU usage of ACMSETUP.EXE.
- On the options list, select the following:
- Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
- ActiveX
- Data Access (DUBIOUS)
- Graphics (if you want it)
- All other options should be unchecked.
- Click Continue, setup will continue.
This is where things get interesting. This installation will eventually hang in 'Setup is updating your system'. UPDATE: there is a fix for this here.

Visual Basic is now, basically, installed. You should be able to find it and run it from the Windows Start menu.
7. Now you could try to install Service Pack 6
BUT ... I got 'Was not completed successfully' when I tried this. Instructions are at Donovan Brown.

8. A few other points
- If you do not have the MSDN CD, clear the checkbox on the next dialog, and click next. You'll be warned of the lack of MSDN, but just click Yes to accept.
- Click Next to skip the installation of Installshield. This is a really old version you don't want anyway.
- Click Next again to skip the installation of BackOffice, VSS, and SNA Server. Not needed!
- On the next dialog, clear the checkbox for 'Register Now', and click Finish.
- The wizard will exit, and you're done. You can find VB6 under Start, All Programs, Microsoft Visual Studio 6. Enjoy!
Msdn Library Vb6 Zip Codes
9. Turn UAC on again!
Yes do.
10. Change the compatibility on VB6 executable
After installing VB6, you'll want to change the compatibility settings for the IDE executable. Otherwise it can run very slowly!
- Using Windows Explorer, browse the location where you installed VB6. By default, the path is
C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioVB98
- Right click the VB6.exe program file, and select properties from the context menu.
- Click on the Compatibility tab.
- Place a check in each of these checkboxes:
- Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
- Disable Visual Themes
- Disable Desktop Composition
- Disable display scaling on high DPI settings
- If you have UAC turned on, it is probably advisable to check the 'Run this program as an Administrator' box
After changing these settings, fire up the IDE, and things should be back to normal, and the IDE is no longer sluggish.
11. Links
Msdn Library Vb6 Zip File
- Donovan Brown | Build Visual Basic 6.0 Applications with Visual Studio Team Services. - This includes the key step, that you need to run in the installer in XP SP3 Compatibility mode! Interesting to know that you can do continuous integration with a VB6 application, tho.
- Dan Brust | Installing Visual Basic/Studio 6 on Windows 10 - using a custom tool, rather than running the installer. Very painful indeed.
- Installation of VB6 on Windows 7 / 8 / 10 - Stack Overflow - This does work on Win7. But it doesn't include the XP compatibility step which Win10 needs.
- Raymond.CC | How To Install Visual Basic 6 (VB6) in Windows 10 - Great on the MSJAVA.DLL stuff.
- Luis Henrique Demetrio, How to Install Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows 10 - Fixing the freeze in 'Setup is updating your system'
Constructive feedback is welcomed to Roger Pearse. Written 22nd February 2019.
This page has been online since 22nd February 2019.
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