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- Sep 13, 2011 Football Manager 2012 announced, will have 800 improvements, updated 3D match engine. By Tom Senior August 15, 2011.
- Football Manager 2009 is the latest incarnation of Sports Interactive and SEGA’s hit football management simulator, which had its roots in the now Eidos-owned Championship Manager series. In 2004, developers Sports Interactive split from publishers Eidos Interactive. While SI retained the rights to the database and source code, Eidos kept the Championship Manager name. This eventually led to.
- Aug 24, 2009 Football Manager 2009 is the latest incarnation of Sports Interactive and SEGA’s hit football management simulator, which had its roots in the now Eidos-owned Championship Manager series. In 2004, developers Sports Interactive split from publishers Eidos Interactive. While SI retained the rights to the database and source code, Eidos kept the Championship Manager name. This eventually led to.
- Football Manager 2009 » Network Games FAQ Network games, the other dimension of FM, a new level, and a lot of fun as you can finally put that big headed friend of yours in his place.
Football Manager 2009 trailer
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Football manager2009 is described as a video game by some people but as a video simulation byothers. Basically the essence of the game/simulation is that the player has therole of a soccer manager in any league he/she chooses and is responsible foralmost every aspect of his team, ranging from basic training, to wage contractsto fan facilities and media responses. Every aspect has to be carefully managedin order to get the most out of your players and the club. The beauty of thegame is that it goes for ever because every year poses a new challenge withdifferent obstacles.
Thegame began its life in 1992 as Championship manager, however, following thebreak-up of their partnership with original publishers Eidos, SportsInteractive lost the naming rights and re-branded the game Football Managerwith their new publishers Sega.
In2005, the first football manager became the 5th fastest selling PC game of alltime (according to Eurogamer). The game was so successful because it includedan updated user interface, a refined game engine, updated database andcompetition rules, pre and post-match information, international player news,cup summary news, a 2D match engine, coach reports on squads, job centre fornon-playing positions, mutual contract termination, enhanced player loanoptions, manager 'mind games' and various other features. All thesefeatures added more realism to the game and was a super success.
FM2009 & FMH 2009 Pt 1
Throughthe next couple of years, the game progressed but not in the most captivatingof ways. Apart from updating the database and adding some small new features,the game remained relatively the same
Itwas till this year’s game that a large jump was made.The biggest and mostexciting new feature is the 3D visualization of the match engine.
Football Manager 2009 Game
- 3D Match Engine –The famous Football Manager™ match engine can now be viewed in full 3D with motion captured animations the players. Sports Interactive has been working on the 3D match engine with the support of SEGA Japan’s football development team who provided the motion capture data and some of the animations. This means the game you actually watch is all motion captured unlike other games that only allow some reels to be motion captured
You can now watch your matches in 3D from multiple cameraangles and re-watch any part of the match by fast forwarding and rewinding theaction using a new match time bar that flags the key moments in the game.
The old 2d view of the match engine is still there,especially for those people whose computers aren’t powerful enough to takeadvantage of the 3d views.
YouTube Video
- TV View – Watch your matches in new full screen TV view and customise your match day screen with widgets to view the information you need as a football manager, be it player performance, match action zones, pitch radar, latest scores and many more.
- Assistant Manager Feedback – Pre-match and in-match feedback from your Assistant Manager on how the team is performing and your player’s motivation levels, as well as hints on how your tactics are working and how you could outwit the opposition’s tactics.
- Improved Media – SI have worked hard to reflect the greater impact the media has been having in recent years on the world of football, in the in-game dealings with the press. The game now features more news stories, more detail and greater media interaction than ever before, creating an even more realistic simulation of the football world.
- Press Conferences – Attend pre-match and post-match press conferences with local and national journalists and build up relationships with them over time, but choose your answers carefully because they could come back to haunt you in the media at a later date.
- Transfer System – Completely new and re-written transfer system code, providing an even more realistic simulation of real-life football transfers.
- Transfer Rumours – View the latest news on what players are being speculated on, and who’s said to be interested in securing their services.
- Board Confidence – Following on from its addition in Football Manager™ 2008, board confidence has been expanded and improved. In addition, the board will now also feedback to you on your squad harmony and the club’s stature in the football world.
- Preferred Moves – Train your players to learn ‘preferred moves’ to add to their game. For example, train central defenders to not dive into tackles, or wingers to do stepovers before crossing the ball.
- Female Manager – For the very first time you can now play as a female manager. All of the text in the game now also has a female gender so the game represents female managers and staff in the game in the correct gender.
- Realistic Finances – SI have listened to feedback from all of their researchers to try and model every single financial area of the game correctly for each country, including transfers, staff wages, budgets, ticket prices, season tickets, competition bonuses and club sponsorships.
- Updated Competitions – Fully updated for the new 2008/09 football season with all the latest league, club and player data, featuring over 5,000 playable clubs from over 50 countries, and around 350,000 players and staff from around the world, drawn fresh from the famous Sports Interactive database.
- Widescreen Support – As a result of usability testing on Football Manager™ 2008, this year sees widescreen support for the game for the first time, as well as lots of tweaks to the user interface for easier navigation.
Furthermore, Sports Interactive have come out with the new Football Manager Live which is a World of Warcraft of sorts. It allows players to play online against each other in little leagues. You begin by picking the nations and leagues you want to manage teams from, for instance England and Scotland. That will give you a choice not just of the four main Scottish leagues, but the English Premiership all the way down to the Conference North and South. Once in a team you will be told by the board what they expect of you. Sometimes it is promotion, or a place in Europe, sometimes it is consolidation or a brave relegation battle. It might even be a case of Champions or else. Obviously the expectations are linked to the team you choose, so the choice you make will have certain expectations associated. Then it is time to look at your squad, work out your tactics, seeing how much cash, if any, you have got to splash, having a look at the transfer market, sorting out the training schedule and making sure your backroom staff are up to it. Then come the matches, which are once more available in the ever-improving top down 3D view. Things like the manager mind-games, which let you talk to the media about the opposition bosses are still available in the game and allow for a more interactive experience with fellow online gamers.
Football Manager Live trailer (adult version)
Already, the game's financial model has been changed as everyone wasgrabbing the best players right at the beginning of each league for a fractionof their worth. Now acquisition charges will ensure the best players can't besnapped up for pennies. The programmers have also added a YouTube-stylefeature; players can submit replay footage of their best moments to a goal ofthe month-style competition, voted on by all the participants in their league. Thefirst step is to set up and customise your own team, editing the name, the kitdesign and even your home pitch size (within accepted FA boundaries, ofcourse). You then get £500,000 to buy your first bunch of players. No, youdon't go straight in at Premiership level, all newcomers are ranked at aroundChampionship league status. The transfer market works like eBay - managersidentify the players they want, then put in the highest bids they can beforethe deadline arrives. The game uses the full FM database which means hundredsof thousands of players are available, all with accurate stats. There will alsobe wages auctions, allowing managers to tempt the best players with the promiseof a juicier pay packet.

Next, you're ready to join a league. These are set up by player admins, andcater for a range of abilities, so it's a bit like searching the lobby of anonline FPS and looking for similarly ranked gamers. Furthermore, there areleagues catering for both FM fanatics who want to play for two hours a day, andfor those of us who can only spare a few hours a week, or even a month.Interestingly, the fixture list for each league uses a 'resolve by' system - soinstead of trying to commit players to specific match time slots, they're givena deadline of up to three weeks to play each game. Consequently, you can hoponline whenever you fancy and the chances are at least one of your scheduledopponents will be around. Failing that, control can be handed over to yourcomputerized assistant manager, who'll do a competent job in your absence.
Is Football Manager New Media
Football manager is new media because it is so advanced that no one gamewill be the same. The job of the manager is to manage the team in every waypossible. Training, fitness, tactics and personal development (psychologicaland physical). Basically every day can be treated differently and with the slidebutton it is almost impossible to replicate the same days schedule in differentgames. Also the AI within the computer takes into account much more than justif you players are good. The AI will realize that even if you buy a goodplayer, if he doesn’t fit into your scheme or tactics or is not motivatedpositively then the AI will not make him successful in your game. Furthermore,if you get a striker, he needs to have attributes within his skills thatcomplement each other, or if he doesn’t then your training needs to improvethese attributes because otherwise the player will not be scoring many goals.And that is just the start of it. Media responses, fan base, style of game,other motivating fators, attributes of other players on the team can all affecta certain player on your team and their performance. This game is so advancedthat maybe it is not fair to categorize this a game but rather a truesimulation.
Football Manager 2009 Game Play
Rather than fork out thousands of pounds on scouts, Everton FC has signed adeal to use the Football Manager database, meaning it now has a network of over350,000 scouts picking out all the best players. Paul Collyer, creator ofFootball Manager says: 'The database is the most extensive scoutingnetwork in football so Everton FC is making a top signing.'FootballManager studio director Miles Jacobson also pointed out that this isn't a newpractice: 'Clubs use the game to research certain players ... but formalrecognition by a top team is fantastic.'The game is so advanced that managerscan actually use it in real life because it is so accurate.

If not already being done, real life managers will start using this as asimulation to see whether a real life player could fit in their real life team.If after running several simulations, none show positive outcomes, a managermay decide that a player is not worth a risk and instead of signing him (likehe might have done had it not been for the game) he may choose to looksomewhere else. Similarly, a manager may simulate how he may try to play a teamin terms of formations and tactics and see which simulation prove mostsuccessful and decide to follow the ways that prove most successful in thegame. These simulations may be run by the manager himself or in fact could comefrom all the gamers storing their information on a database and managers payingto see the results of millions of simulations to see where the mean or mostlikely outcome is.
In summary, this game proves to be amazing but at the same time somewhatscary. What if we decide to become soccer players? Will our futures be decidedby a game? What if it doesn’t recognize some attributes or is misinformed? Canan AI truly predict our most likely performance given a set of criteria? All ofthese questions can be asked and we can only find out in the future.
Football Manager 2009 (also Football Manager 09 or FM09) is a sport football manager simulation game. It was released on 14 November 2008 in Europe for PC, Mac and PlayStation Portable and in North America on 18 November 2008. As in the case of other recent releases in the Football Manager series, Football Manager 2009 is sold as Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009 in the United States and Canada.
Football Manager 2009 Game Free
Football Manager 2009 Save Game Editor

Football Manager 2009 Game Online
Minimum System Requirements :CPU: 1.4GHz or Faster / Vista: 2.0GHz or Faster
Supported Processors: Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core, AMD Athlon
RAM: 512MB RAM / Vista: 1.0GB RAM
VGA: 128MB *Supported Chipsets *Supported Chipsets – Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater.
DX: Version 9.0c (included)
OS: Windows XP or Vista
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
ODD: DVD-Drive: 4x Speed
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Football Manager 2009 (PC Game)